We never thought we would be quarantined at home for 6+ weeks due to a global pandemic. But this is where we find ourselves. The pandemic has affected every aspect of life. One of the greatest impacts of the pandemic has been on how we work. The normal work office environment may be behind us for the foreseeable future. While we may all be home working right now, we will be able to return to our offices in the future. Here at Insight Branding, we can help companies provide a safe and healthy work environment for employees and customers. Here are 5 tips for how to achieve this:

  1. Prepare the Workplace: Redistribute desks so that they are spaced 6 feet away from each other. If desks are arranged back to back, insert a 24”, clear plastic barrier between them to prevent unnecessary spread. Utilize paper deskpads that can be discarded at the end of the day and replaced every morning to leave a clean desk. If one has community keyboards, distribute a plastic keyboard cover that can be disinfected after each use.
  2. Have a Social Distancing Plan: Utilize signage to show how far 6 feet is. Designate walkways around the building. For example, only walk clockwise around the office. Mark 6’ circle outlines around desks. Enter and exit meeting rooms one by one.
  3. Redefine Touch Points: Provide employees and customers with tools that allow skinless touching of the necessary office items (elevator buttons, door handles, sinks, etc.). Display hand sanitizing dispensing stations at all building access points and through every office floor.
  4. Prepare the Workforce: Invest in educating and training your employees on how to work in an office environment in a safe and healthy manner. Consult with healthcare experts on how to properly wear a mask (i.e. no touching the mask unless you first use hand sanitizer) and other PPE equipment. Leadership must now become a healthcare expert.
  5. Communicate with Confidence: Regular and honest communication is key in this environment. Employees and customers must feel confident that you are doing everything to protect them and prioritize their health and wellness over the bottom line of the company.

If you are one of the many businesses waiting for the green light to reopen, this is the time to prepare so you are ready to get back on your feet as quickly as possible. Insight Branding is here to help set up your workplace for safety and success. Work with your account representative to design a plan that will help your business operate in a post-coronavirus world.